Grigin Anton Vyacheslavovich

2019 UVMA, specialization in ultrasound
2017 р. P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, specialization in organization and management of
of health care
2009 Crimean State Medical University, specialization in
2005-2007 Volgograd State Medical University, clinical residency
in anesthesiology and resuscitation
1999-2005 Volgograd State Medical University, qualification of doctor
(general medicine)
Doctor of ultrasound diagnostics
– since 2019 – a doctor of ultrasound
diagnostics (from 2020 to the present at the Medical Center “Clinic
“Ishtar Medical Center, Kyiv)
– 2011-2020 – chief physician (medical director), anesthesiologist
(private medical centers in Kyiv and Kyiv region)
– 2005-2012 – anesthesiologist at the Department of Anesthesiology of the City Hospital
(Yalta, Kyiv)
– 2001-2005 – medical brother, medical representative of a pharmaceutical company
Ultrasound examination of abdominal organs
cavity (including functional tests)
Ultrasonography of urinary system organs
Ultrasound examination of pelvic organs in men (incl.
transrectal access)
Ultrasound examination of the scrotum organs
Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland
Ultrasound examination of salivary glands
Ultrasound examination of lymph nodes of various localizations
Ultrasound examination of soft tissues
Ultrasound examination of mammary (breast in men) glands
Ultrasound examination of lungs and pleural cavities
Echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart in adults)
Ultrasound duplex (Doppler) examination of peripheral vessels in
in adults (head and neck vessels, vessels of extremities)
Ultrasound duplex (Doppler) examination of abdominal cavity vessels and
and kidneys in adults
Ultrasound elastometry of liver and spleen, thyroid gland masses,
mammary glands, prostate gland, lymph nodes

Procedures performed

м. Kyiv, Obolonska str. 6
Working hours
Monday – Friday
9.00 – 18.00
Saturday – Sunday – Day off
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