Hours of work
Monday – Friday: 9:00-18:00
Saturday: Weekend
Sunday: Weekend

Find out the cost of services and make an appointment with a doctor
Our advantages

Open treatment protocol according to the 4P system
Coordination of the treatment regimen with the patient, sharing responsibility with the patient for the outcome of treatment, full control by doctors at all stages of the diagnostic and treatment process

Digital medical archive
Permanent access to the medical archive

We guarantee patient anonymity
The doctors of our clinic ensure complete anonymity of the patient with his consent

Photo protocol of service
Photographic recording of the results of endoscopic examination, ultrasound diagnostics, pathology results and photographic recording of surgical treatment
Our doctors
Graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University (2002) and the Military Medical Academy (2005)
Military surgeon, proctologist, endoscopic surgeonExperience
Experience – 21 years
Full member of the Association of Endoscopists of Ukraine, ESGE
More than 20,000 endoscopic examinations performed, has unique methods of endoscopic surgery, and is proficient in proctology treatment methods (hemorrhoidectomy, Longo operation, anoplasty, excision of coccygeal cyst, paraproctitis surgery, etc.)
Gastroenterologist and therapist
-Assistant of the Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Bogomolets National Medical University.
Member of the European Association of Gastroenterology.
– Member of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL).
Has skills in intravenous, inhalation and epidural anaesthesia. He performs qualified intensive care anaesthesia during emergency and planned interventions using anaesthetic and respiratory, diagnostic and monitoring equipment.
Over 10 years of experience
Since 2019 – doctor of ultrasound diagnostics (from 2020 to the present at the Ishtar Clinic Medical Centre, Kyiv)- 2011-2020 – chief physician (medical director), anaesthetist (private medical centres in Kyiv and the region)- 2005-2012 – anaesthetist at the anaesthesiology department of the city hospital (Yalta, Kyiv)- 2001-2005 – medical brother, medical representative of a pharmaceutical company
Graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University in 1996.
He is an ultrasound doctor of the highest category,
Specialist in:
– Ultrasound of pregnancy in all periods
(FMF certificate 247213)
– Ultrasonography of pelvic organs
– Ultrasonography of the mammary glands
– Ultrasonography of the thyroid gland
– Ultrasonography of abdominal and retroperitoneal organs
– 27 years of experience.


м. Kyiv, Obolonska str. 6
Working hours
Monday – Friday
9.00 – 18.00
Saturday – Sunday – Day off
Fill out the application and our medical consultant will contact you shortly